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What's SNI Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi

Founder of Seicho-No-Ie
Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi

  • Born on November 22, 1893 in Kobe Prefecture
  • In 1914、he left the English literature course of Waseda University to dedicate himself to seek for the Truth.
  • Soon after, he received the divine inspirations of the “Man is a Child of God,” only the world of Absolute Goodness, and all religions emanate from one universal God. With his earnest wish to convey this Truth to all people, Rev. Taniguchi published Seicho-No-Ie magazine in March 1930.
  • Since then, with the increase expansion of magazine distribution, the Religious Juridical Person, “Seicho-No-Ie” was established.
  • On June 6, 1949, the Mental Science Institute granted him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D.
  • On May 15, 1963, the Religious Science Institute (the Founders Church of Religious Science) in Los Angeles, California presented him with their highest degree, Doctor of Humanities.
  • On June 17, 1985, the curtain of his abundant life and career was drawn to a close at his age of 91.

More than 19,000,000 copies of the Seime no Jisso (Truth of Life) have been published. It continues to be a source of inspiration for many people. Other publications by Rev. Taniguchi include: Shinri (The Truth, 11 volumes), Shinsen Taniguchi Maharu Senshu (New selection of Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi’s writings series, 20 volumes), Shinsen Taniguchi Masaharu Howashu (New selection of Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi lecturers series, 12 volumes) and Taniguchi Masaharu Chosakushu (Selection of Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi’s writings series, 10 volumes), etc.