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Seicho-No-Ie News



Rev. Jeong Hee Kim,

Chairman of Kwang Myong Hoy, the Republic of Korea

In the Republic of Korea, eating meat is popular today, so it is not easy to propose no-meat diet. However, with the construction of the Kwang Myong Hoy building in 2002, we now have a kitchen in the building and can cook our own food. We have gradually increased no-meat diet. At our Spiritual Training Seminar held twice a year and lecture meetings we talk about the significance of environmental protection and of reducing a meat-based diet to help the problem of hunger. Also, as members read Seicho-No-Ie Books, their awareness of the problem was raised. We were able to switch to completely no-meat meals from the Spiritual Training Seminar held in the spring of 2005 (see picture).

Kwang Myong Hoy’s model no-meat menu is “bibimbap.” Instead of meat we use “namuru” (cooked or fried vegetable). It is very popular. Recently, the members seem to believe more deeply that no-meat cooking is the simplest way to practice the teaching of the oneness of oneself and others, and some bring us vegetables. The number of members who abstain from meat eating is increasing.