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Seicho-No-Ie News


Vice President Teaches at Founding Day Celebration

On March 1 the Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie, Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, spoke for 20 minutes, beginning at 10:45, at the 79th Seicho-No-Ie Founding Day Celebration that was held at the hall of the Seicho-No-Ie Headquarters. Rev. Taniguchi spoke in the capacity of the superintendent.

Rev. Taniguchi began by expressing his happiness for the celebration on this spring-like fine day. He spoke about the fact that this year is a leap year and that if the Chinese character radical for water is added to the character uru (intercalation) of urudoshi (leap year), the word uruou (become wet, receive benefits, be made prosperous) is formed. The Vice President expressed his hope that we will abundantly live the extra day that we have received of the 300 or so remaining days of the year.

The Seicho-No-Ie movement began for the purpose of living a wonderful and abundant life not for a single day but for all the days of our life. After clearly explaining this, Rev. Taniguchi introduced “The Spirit of Seicho-No-Ie Appearance and Its Enterprises” in the founding issue of the Seicho-No-Ie magazine. There it is written: “The headquarters of Seicho-No-Ie studies the law of the mind and applies this law to actual life with the purpose of giving rise to an actual movement to manage the happiness of mankind.”

It is stated that the founding spirit of Seicho-No-Ie is to bring happiness to many people by using the “law of the mind.” Rev. Taniguchi also pointed out that in the same issue the enlightenment of human life, through the practice of the sundial way of life is proposed, and this movement is still being carried out today.

The Vice President observed that at present the goals that were set forth in the founding issue are being carried out in a slightly different manner. One difference between the present age and the time of Seicho-No-Ie’s founding is that Japan has become a leading CO2 producer, global warming has advanced and many living things are on the verge of extinction. To the extent that economic development is achieved, nature is being destroyed. The Vice President stressed the importance of “The Movement That Grows With Nature” by Seicho-No-Ie as a solution for the greatest problem that confronts humankind of the 21st century.

Rev. Taniguchi next made two important observations about today’s global warming problem.

His first observation is growth for humankind is impossible without the restoration of nature’s abundance. That is to say, we are not only one humanity but all lives on earth are a single community. It is within this realization that we are learning that there is not happiness for humankind while it continues to destroy nature.

The Vice President’s next observation is that happiness cannot be acquired by economic development alone. It is clear that if economic growth continues to be fueled by the incessant greed of human beings, resources will be depleted and nature will be destroyed.

Rev. Taniguchi stressed the importance of realizing a world of coexistence and coprosperity and he emphasized the importance of thoroughly conveying to people the truth that happiness can be increased by freely using the “law of the mind” and that material abundance and happiness are not the same, which were stated in the founding spirit in first issue of the Seicho-No-Ie.

Rev. Taniguchi read from his book Hidokei Shugi towa Nanika (What Is the Sundial Way of Life?) that explains why Jesus taught to enter the Kingdom of God from the narrow door.

In addition to being related to the truth that all religions emanate from one universal God in that it speaks of salvation that comes from transcending the differences of race and culture, Rev. Taniguchi clearly taught that the “narrow door” is found in properly recognizing and being grateful to the “blessings of God” that we have already received.

The Vice President directed our attention to verses in the chapter “Man” of the Holy Sutra, Nectarean Shower of Holy Doctrines that speak of these truths and he clearly stated that the Kingdom of God and Paradise cannot be achieved by seeking matter through the methods of humankind of today.

Together with spreading the sundial way of life in Japan and throughout the world, by practicing it in our daily lives we are led to an awareness of the problem of not wasting resources that confronts humanity today. Rev. Taniguchi asked that we greatly and happily promulgate this wonderful truth and way of life and that we continue with our three-part movement of believing, conveying and practicing the Seicho-No-Ie teachings. In this way did he conclude his message

The Founding Celebration was held with the attendance of Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie; and Mrs. Junko Taniguchi, Vice President of the White Dove Association. It was attended by 750 people. Prior to Rev. Taniguchi’s address, Rev. Kazuo Isobe, Chairman and CEO of Seicho-No-Ie, gave a congratulatory message. It was followed by congratulatory messages by Mr. Iori Morisawa, Chief of the Nagasaki Missionary Area Brotherhood Association, and Rev. Marie Murakami, Vice Bishop of Seicho-No-Ie Latin America, which were given on behalf of the members. There was an award ceremony to recognize the dedication of 121 people with the Headquarters’ awards, including the Double Ring of Light Award.